The benefits of magnesium to both physical and mental wellbeing are numerous. Magnesium is required for hundreds of biochemical reactions that occur in the body. It plays a vital role in maintaining healthy muscles and bones. It helps in protein synthesis and cellular metabolism, and is critical to healthy heart function. Other benefits include the prevention of osteoporosis, asthma, and diabetes and muscle pain.
Why is Magnesium so Important?
• Muscle building. Because of its role in protein synthesis, magnesium is an essential element involves in muscle building.
• Muscle cramps. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. Deficiencies in magnesium can cause muscle twitches, spasms and cramps. Magnesium is often uses in treatment of severe back pain by helping to ease muscle tension.
• Fatigue. Magnesium is vital in the production and storage of energy. It allows the body to produce and use energy in a cyclic manner, helping to avoid lactic acid build-up and fatigue. Thus, signs of fatigue are often due to magnesium deficiency.
• Opening blood vessels. Magnesium is a vasodilator, opening up bloods vessels. It can provide relief from bronchospasm (constricted airways) in the lungs.
• Blood pressure. Magnesium regulates blood sugar levels in the body, thereby maintaining normal blood pressure. Research has shown an inverse relationship between magnesium and blood pressure (i.e., high levels of magnesium = low blood pressure). As hypertension is one of the main causes of heart attacks, magnesium can help reduce this risk.
• Heart conditions. Along with helping with hypertension, magnesium is vital in protecting the heart from irregular heartbeats. Apart from the bones and teeth, the heart contains the next highest level of magnesium.
• Absorption of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium activates key enzymes involves indigestion, absorption and the use of fats, carbohydrates and fats. It helps the body absorb important minerals and vitamins such as calcium, sodium and potassium. For example, magnesium helps to keep calcium dissolved in the blood and this prevents the formation of kidney stones.
• Diabetes. Magnesium aids carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for the production, function and transportation of insulin around the body. In doing this, it controls blood sugar levels.
• Bone growth. Magnesium plays a key role in bone health, particularly bone density, because of its role in helping absorption of minerals and vitamins that help maintain bone health (namely vitamin D and calcium). Lack of magnesium increases risk for osteoporosis.
• Migraines and headaches. Magnesium helps to relieve both the frequency and severity of severe headaches. It is especially important for females during PMS, where migraines are common.
• Toxic chemicals. Magnesium is an important neuroprotector, protecting cells against toxic chemicals. It helps in the detoxification process, binding to and eliminating toxic chemicals (i.e., heavy metals, pesticides) from the body.
• Anxiety and Depression. Magnesium has also been used to treat psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, stress, depression and some of the symptoms of these conditions (e.g., insomnia). Magnesium supports the adrenal glands, which become worn out when stressed. It also is involved in the production and function of serotonin (“feel good” chemical”).
What the signs of Magnesium Deficiency?
• Back and neck pain
• Anxiety
• Fatigue and insomnia
• Migraines and headaches
• Muscle weakness and twitching/spasms
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and vomiting
• Abnormal heart rhythms
• Constipation or Diarrhea