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Fundamentals of Rotation in Cricket
Like all ball sports cricket is a ground based rotational sport. Understanding the techniques and the biomechanics behind rotation in these activities is essential before we can go about designing…

How to Improve Foot Speed and Agility
I am often asked by athletes and the parents of kids I coach, “How can I improve foot speed and agility?” and it’s evident that most people are looking for…
How to Build a Bigger Chest
These days I am not hung up on the numbers I am lifting in my bench press. In fact I have moved away from benching for sports specific reasons and…

AMD 2.0 Review
About Smitty from The Diesel Crew Smitty has worked with athletes from various sports across all sporting levels. He is a co-founder of the Diesel Crew which is well known…

Core Ingredients for Fast Bowlers
We have to remember that bowling is not a natural action for the body. Even the smoothest and most aligned action produces a certain amount of counter rotation between the…