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The Importance of Trunk Stability for Young Athletes
As a coach, my goal is always to develop a complete athlete, so when it comes to training young kids, I like to begin with the end in mind. The goal isn’t just to…
Why do You program Single Leg Lifts over Bi-lateral?
I get this question often from people and there are a few reasons. 1. Function and specificity. People run, jump and sprint one leg at a time. 2. Bilateral deficit. This means…
8 Reasons to Train with Resistance Bands
1. Multi-Planar Movement Training Strength training using resistance bands allows you to become less depend on gravity. Unlike other weight implements such as dumbbells, kettlebells, club bells, medicine balls, barbells…
Sexy and I know it Glute Protocol
I have been getting a lot of questions about glute exercises, which is no surprise really. I mean who doesn’t want to develop serious glute strength, and build a great looking ass? The goal…

8 Things Young Athletes Need to Master
I believe we should be teaching and incorporating basic body weight movements with all our kids. I mean as skills coaches we put so much time and effort into teaching…